Posts Tagged SQL Injection

Yet another big company hit with SQL Injection problems (

March 13, 2009

In last couple of weeks big companies have been attacked and are having big issues with SQL Injection. At this time British Telecom ( was the target company (see more info at here). Big companies such as Kaspersky , British Telecom and hundreds of others could easily fix these issues with a well-structured SDL process […]

SQL Injection also affects Non-Web Applications

February 13, 2009

It is becoming clear that due to a massive adoption of open-source SQL-based databases such as MySQL, more products are moving towards a transparent integration for authentication and data retrieving purposes. In some cases, even non-web applications can take advantage of that. First question (or maybe the second) that come up in our mind is: […]

"Second Life" is also victim of SQL Injection

February 12, 2009

According to Hacker’s Blog, the famous virtual world “Second Life” was susceptible to a SQL injection vulnerability that eventually led to customer’s data, including payment details. Although evidences are obfuscated enough to protect personal data, it is clear that a SQL injection flaw was used to obtain full access to their database under “Events” section […]

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