N-Stalker Latest Updates
Updated vulnerabilities check for 9 packages including Drupal
March 8, 2013
N-Stalker is now delivering new updates for N-Stalker 2012 Edition, including: Static Database: Updated vulnerabilities check for the following package: Drupal TYPO3 MediaWiki FlatNuke DotNetNuke PHPScheduleIt PHPSysInfo ClanSphere CS-Cart Important: these updates are ONLY available for commercial edition users (Enterprise and Infrastructure). For additional support, contact us here.
Updated vulnerabilities check for 6 packages including WooCommerce and added 4 packages
March 6, 2013
N-Stalker is now delivering new updates for N-Stalker 2012 Edition, including: Static Database: Updated vulnerabilities check for the following package: Add Link to Facebook AddThis WooCommerce Slick Social Share Buttons WP Property WordPress SEO Added Ikonboard vulnerabilities check Added PHPWebThings vulnerabilities check Added Limbo CMS vulnerabilities check Added BIGACE vulnerabilities check Important: these updates are ONLY available for […]
Updated vulnerabilities check for 10 packages including TWiki, and added 2 servers database
March 1, 2013
N-Stalker is now delivering new updates for N-Stalker 2012 Edition, including: Static Database: Updated vulnerabilities check for the following package: TemaTres Exponent Ganglia TWiki bloofoxCMS RavenNuke Lazarus Guestbook SilverStripe phpFreeChat WSN Forum Updated Apache 2.2.x server database check Updated Apache 2.4.x server database check Important: these updates are ONLY available for commercial edition users (Enterprise and Infrastructure). For additional support, […]
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