N-Stalker Latest Updates
Updated vulnerabilities check for 2 packages including Drupal, added 3 packages including Newscoop and updated PHP 5.x server database
August 21, 2013
N-Stalker is now delivering new updates for N-Stalker X Edition, including: Static Database: Updated vulnerabilities check for the following package: Drupal Serendipity Added Newscoop vulnerabilities check Added Piwik vulnerabilities check Added phpMyVisites vulnerabilities check Updated PHP 5.x server database check Important: these updates are ONLY available for commercial edition users (Enterprise and Infrastructure). For additional support, contact us here.
Updated vulnerabilities check for 10 packages including WordPress
August 5, 2013
N-Stalker is now delivering new updates for N-Stalker 2012 Edition, including: Static Database: Updated vulnerabilities check for the following package: Joomla WordPress PHPMyAdmin VBulletin phpMyAdmin Nextgen ShareThis Akismet Jetpack Google Analyticator Important: these updates are ONLY available for commercial edition users (Enterprise and Infrastructure). For additional support, contact us here.
Updated vulnerabilities check for 21 packages including TYPO3, added 3 packages including RazorCMS and updated Apache 2.4.x server database
July 26, 2013
N-Stalker is now delivering new updates for N-Stalker X Edition, including: Static Database: Updated vulnerabilities check for the following package: Exponent CMS Storesprite VirtueMart TYPO3 WPtouch WP to Twitter PHPScheduleIt Dotclear AddToAny WooCommerce Spam Free WordPress Jamroom Fast Secure Contact Form PHPMyFAQ WP Photo Album Plus LifeType Shop-Script Wordbooker PhotoPost PHPSysInfo SI CAPTCHA Added Matterdaddy vulnerabilities […]
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