N-Stalker Latest Updates

Updated vulnerabilities check for 23 packages including TYPO3 and updated PHP server database

September 27, 2013

N-Stalker is now delivering new updates for N-Stalker X Edition, including: Static Database: Updated vulnerabilities check for the following package: TYPO3 Prestashop PhpMyAdmin Liferay Mediawiki YaBB Linpha Web Wiz Forum Tematres Simple PHP Blog SugarCRM OpenX Concrete5 X-Cart Openbiblio Atutor Ikonboard ModX Elxis Limbo CMS PHP Classifieds All In One Control Panel PHPCoin Updated PHP […]

Updated vulnerabilities check for 14 packages including WordPress and updated Resin server database

September 16, 2013

N-Stalker is now delivering new updates for N-Stalker X Edition, including: Static Database: Updated vulnerabilities check for the following package: PHPShop PHPKB JAF-CMS Indexu Contenido Atutor Flatnux Zen-Cart Sunshop WordPress Snitz Forum Papoo Combite Ajaxplorer Updated Resin server database check Important: these updates are ONLY available for commercial edition users (Enterprise and Infrastructure). For additional support, contact us here.

Updated vulnerabilities check for 27 packages including Livezilla

September 6, 2013

N-Stalker is now delivering new updates for N-Stalker X Edition, including: Static Database: Updated vulnerabilities check for the following package: Amember DCForum WebCalendar MiniBB Redirection Flatnuke CMS Made Simple Zeroboard I-Tech FAQEngine Livezilla Phorum PhpGedView Blog System OSTicket Cubecart PHP-Classifieds PHPRunner PHPWCMS Nucleus CMS CMSimple W-Agora IndexU Simple Machine Forums Psychostats OSClass PunBB Important: these updates […]

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