N-Stalker Latest Updates
Updated vulnerabilities check for 3 packages including jQuery and updated 3 servers database
April 25, 2014
N-Stalker is now delivering new updates for N-Stalker X Edition, including: Static Database: Updated vulnerabilities check for the following package: Jamroom jQuery Vanilla Updated Abyss server database check Updated Nginx server database check Updated HHVM server database check Important: these updates are ONLY available for commercial edition users (Enterprise and Infrastructure). For additional support, contact us here.
Updated vulnerabilities check for 9 packages including Drupal
April 23, 2014
N-Stalker is now delivering new updates for N-Stalker X Edition, including: Static Database: Updated vulnerabilities check for the following package: Drupal TYPO3 Bugzilla Ovidentia Podcast Generator GForge PHPList Clansphere CS-Cart Important: these updates are ONLY available for commercial edition users (Enterprise and Infrastructure). For additional support, contact us here.
Updated vulnerabilities check for 4 packages including WordPress and updated mod_jk servers database
April 17, 2014
N-Stalker is now delivering new updates for N-Stalker X Edition, including: Static Database: Updated vulnerabilities check for the following package: WordPress WSN Forum My Little Forum Quick.Cart Updated mod_jk server database check Important: these updates are ONLY available for commercial edition users (Enterprise and Infrastructure). For additional support, contact us here.
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